Frequently Asked Questions

What are your office locations? 


We have 3 main offices – Singapore, Hong Kong and London.

How long has INVICTA been around for?


We have been around for almost 30 years. We expanded to Singapore from Hong Kong since 2017.

Do you only offer your services to the shipping and finance industry? 


No, we do not limit our services to only the two industries. We have clients across different industries including retail, education and healthcare. 

How do I contact the Hong Kong office?


The Hong Kong office operates with a different website – IMS Digital Venture. You can contact them by clicking here or visit their website here.

Are your services only limited to companies in Singapore? 


No, most of our clients are international companies. Often, our Singapore team travels to Malaysia as many of our clients are based in Malaysia. 

Do you only recommend and implement solutions offered by your partners to your clients? 


Although our carefully selected partners provide prominent solutions, we recommend our clients products that are most suitable for their business. In other words, we sometimes suggest products provided by vendors who are not our partners for the best interest of our clients. Check out the list of our current partners here!